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Posts Tagged ‘James Joyce

Why You Should Read This Book – Economist – Marilyn Monroe?

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At “Dangerous Minds” awhile ago, is a link in China to the film version with Milo O’Shea as Leopold Bloom, Ulysses (1967). In one scene, he has a dream, and as Mayor of Dublin, gives the “Vulcan salute” (from the Hebrew ceremony also used by “Spock” Leonard Nimoy in the Star Trek franchise, to say LLAP “Live long and prosper”). It helped re-explain the novel, having seen a number of stage productions (2) of “Ulysses in Night Town” after attempting a too young an age to read it. “Portrait of an artist, as an Old Man” (“Catch-22” author Joseph Heller’s last novel) and various other combinations of that James Joyce work, beg to differ with a selective criticism of the novel mistakenly published as of the work of Matisse about Homer (New York, 1935). Economist